Dear Families
This year we decided to combine all the parishes’ picnics into one. We plan on gathering together on Sunday, August 6th at Jefferson Park from 12-4 pm. We’ll start eating around 12:30 or so and continue all afternoon. The people of St. Peter have organized this in the past and are taking the lead again this year. The parishes will provide the main course (BBQed chicken, hamburgers and hot dogs). Everyone else is asked to bring a potluck item to share. We broke the list down by last names:
Last Name Dish to bring
A-E Drinks
F-K Desserts/Fruit
L-Q Sides (corn/asparagus/potatoes for grilling)/appetizers/chips/veggie trays
R-Z Salads (potato/lettuce/pasta, etc)
We are looking forward to seeing you there. We are working on a “shuttle schedule” to take people back and forth from St. George since parking is limited at Jefferson Park. When we know more we will let you know.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Scott Connolly