

This year, the online pledge form asks for your total pledge for the 2025 year.  You can pay the pledge monthly, weekly or any other payment schedule that fits your financial situation.

St. Paul Parish is a church dependent on its parishioners’ Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure. Because of your generosity, the church body as a whole is able to focus its energies in fulfilling its Mission: to proclaim the good news of God’s love for all people; to create a positive environment in which our common faith in Jesus Christ unites us; and to reach out in justice and charity to serve all people who are in need.

Stewardship of Time and Talent

St. Paul Parish depends on its many volunteers to participate in providing meaningful liturgies, maintaining the buildings and grounds, serving the community and helping with special projects, To find out more about the many ways that you can serve the parish visit the ministries tab on this website and determine where you can help. 

Here is a form on which you can indicate interest in one or more of our parish ministries.

Stewardship of Talent

Stewardship of Treasure

Every year in the fall, parishioners are encouraged to fill out a Stewardship of Treasure card. This helps the church know how to budget for operational needs for the year, as well as give parishioners a chance to financially plan their Stewardship of Treasure.

In planning how much to give each year, we are asked to give proportionately and with honest discernment; so that the act of Sharing Our Treasure is done with ease of heart instead of bitterness, and is a cause for spiritual uplifting instead of a dreaded sacrifice.

You can make an electronic pledge here. This form will ask you to decide what amount you will pledge for the entire year. You can also set up your recurring gift at the same time. Although it is asking for a yearly pledge, you can continue to pay monthly, weekly or any other payment schedule that fits your financial situation.

Fulfilling a Stewardship Pledge

There are several ways to fulfill one’s Stewardship throughout the year. These are called Simplified Giving.

Electronic Giving

 Pushpay is our online giving platform and is connected to our new church management tool.  Information on PushPay online giving here.

Sunday Envelopes

One’s annual stewardship pledge is what is usually given in the weekly Sunday Envelopes. They can be put in the basket at Mass, or mailed to the church. To sign up to receive envelopes, please call the office at 206-725-2050.

More information about giving

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