On Fridays of Lent beginning February 16th the South Seattle Parish Family will pray the Stations of the Cross at 6:00 pm followed by a meatless meal in the parish hall. One or more priests will be available for confessions during the Stations.
February 16 St. Edward Knights of Columbus Fish Fry
February 23 St. George School Community Soup Supper
March 2 St. Peter St. Peter Parish Community
March 8 St. Paul St. Paul Parish Community TBD
March 15 St. George Vietnamese & St. George Community
March 22 St. Edward Spanish, Lao and St. Edward Community
There will be a Reconciliation service on Wednesday March 13th at 7:00 pm at St. Edward. Multiple priests will be available in English , Spanish and Vietnamese.
English and Spanish priests will also be available during the Stations of the Cross on Fridays.
The regular Confession Times at each parish:
St. Paul 3:00 pm Saturday
St. Peter 4:30 pm Saturday
St. Edward 5:30 pm Saturday
You can also call the parish to make an appointment with a priest.
During this holy time, we are called to pause and pay closer attention to our relationship with God and our neighbors. Reflect on how the Lenten pillars of prayer, fasting and almsgiving can guide your journey and how the Eucharist helps us to live in solidarity with our sisters and brothers around the world. Visit crsricebowl.org to learn more.
Fold-up Rice Bowls with Lenten calendars are available in the church.
Use to collect your Lenten alms giving and return them at the end of Lent.
This Lent, we will be offering a 6-week small group series. These groups offer us the chance to build community, pray, reflect, and prepare our hearts for Easter. The groups meet at a variety of times and locations so hopefully there is one that will work with your schedule. We will begin all groups the week of February 11. We are also offering groups in English, Spanish, and Lamet/Khmu’ as well as a group for moms, a group for dads and an Zoom group. The Tuesday Evening group at St. Paul is still open for people to Join.