Snow Policy

If there is significant snow or ice, weekend Masses will be held at St. Edward at 6:00 pm on Saturday and 10:30 am on Sunday in English. Spanish Mass is at 1:00 pm. All other Masses would be cancelled.

On Weekdays we follow the Schools-

If St. George school is closed, St. George activities are cancelled.

If Nativity School is closed, St. Edward activities are cancelled.

If Cristo Rey Jesuit High School is closed, St. Paul activities are cancelled.

If Seattle Schools are closed, St. Peter activities are cancelled.

If any of the schools are on Late start, keep an eye out for updates from us.

New Paragraph

South Seattle Parish Family

St. Paul, St. Edward, St. George, St. Peter parishes

St. George Parish School PreK-8, St. Paul Early Learning Center 3-5 year old's

Welcome to St. Paul Catholic Church

Part of the South Seattle Parish Family
A parish of the Archdiocese of Seattle
Church address: 10001 57th Ave S, Seattle, WA 98178
Office Address: 4212 S Mead St, Seattle WA 98118


Mass Times


Contact Us

Upcoming Events

St. Paul Parish Stewardship Of Time, Talent, and Treasure

Pledge Form    Pledge link

Thank you to all who made their 2025 Stewardship pledge.  If you have not yet done so, it is not too late.  Just click on the link above to make your pledge.

Mass Times

St. Paul Church
Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am

​Daily Mass:
Tuesday 6:00 pm
Thursday 8:10 am

Saturday: 3:00 - 3:45 pm
Or by appointment

Eucharistic Adoration:
Tuesday 3:00 - 5:45 pm

Mass times subject to change due to funerals or other events so please check the calendar

South Seattle Parish Family Churches

St. Edward:  4205 S Orcas St

 Saturday Vigil: 6:00 pm

Sunday: 10:30 am English

  1:00 pm Spanish

​Daily Mass:  Wednesday 6:00 pm, Thursday & Friday 8:30 am

St. George: 5306 13th Ave S

Saturday Vigil: 5:00 pm Vietnamese

Sunday: 10:30 am

Daily Mass: Wednesday & Friday 8:30 am

St. Peter:  2807 15th Ave S

Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm

Sunday: 8:30 am English

 10:30 am Maronite Rite

Daily Mass:  Wednesday & Thursday 10:30 am

Mass times subject to change due to funerals or other events so please check the individual parish website.

Livestream Mass from St. James Cathedral 8:00 am Daily and Sunday

Ash Wednesday

Mass and Distribution of Ashes

8:10 am at St. Paul with Cristo Rey

8:30 am at St. George with School

8:30 am at St. Edward with Nativity School

10:30 am at St. Peter

6:00 pm at St. George (Vietnamese)

7:00 pm at St. Edward ( Bi-Lingual Spanish)

Stations of the Cross & Meatless Meals

6:00 pm on Fridays of Lent

March 7 at St. Edward

March 14 at St. George

March 21 at St. Peter

March 28 at St. Paul

April 4 at St. Edward

April 14 at St. George

 Upcoming Events 

  • Lenten Retreat March 1

    All are invited to a pre-Lenten retreat on Saturday, March 1 from 8:30am-2pm at St. George.  Join us for a day of rest, reflection, prayer, good food, and community.  We will take time to prepare for Lent and rest in God’s love.  The day will start with an optional Holy Hour from 8:00-9:00am in the church, followed by a light breakfast.  Our program will start at 9:30 and will conclude with lunch at 1pm.  Suggested donation of $20 to help cover the cost of the supplies and food.  RSVP to Jennifer by February 23:  

  • Lent Faith Sharing Groups

    Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent and will be celebrated on Wednesday, March 5.  We will once again host Lenten small faith-sharing groups who will meet weekly to read and reflect on the upcoming Sunday scriptures.  We invite all to join a group to learn more about the Scriptures, deepen your faith, and connect with others in the community.  Groups will start the week of Sunday, March 2.  Sign up in the entryway of the church or contact Jennifer for more information:  

  • St. George School Auction- March 22nd

    Join the MAGIC! Join the mission. Rise with us to change the world through thehearts of our 277 students, 204 committedfamilies, 40 dedicated educators and staff, andour 100-year legacy of excellence.

    Alumni reunions for all ‘5’ years!2015, 2005, 1995, 1985, 1975, 1965, 1955, 1945, 1935 -FREE TABLE for class of 1925

  • Annual Day of Service April 5

    The Day of Service is coming up on Saturday, April 5 and registration is now open.  There are over 20 options to chose from to accommodate all schedules, ages, and abilities.  Join us on this special day of giving back to the community and putting our faith into action.  See the bulletin for registration information.  Click on the link below to register for one of the service opportunities.


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