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Dear Families,

     We are now in the fourth week of our Lenten journey and our Scriptures this weekend focus on the theme of sight.  In the first reading from the Book of Samuel, the Lord said to Samuel, “Not as man sees does God see, because man sees the appearance but the Lord looks into the heart.”  In the Gospel from John, we hear the familiar story of the blind man whose eyes are opened by Jesus after washing in the Pool of Siloam.  How are we called to have our eyes metaphorically opened during these 40 days?  How can we learn to see more as God sees? 

We have several great opportunities this week to open our eyes and see things from a new perspective:  

  • Join us on Friday, March 24 for Stations of the Cross and a meatless meal generously provided by the Vietnamese Community at St. George starting at 6pm in the church. 
  • Drop in at the St. George School Hall this Saturday, March 25 for our Day of Service activities between 10am-2pm or do one of the at-home projects this week.  Visit for more details. 
  • Continue to pray, fast, and give alms through the Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl program.  Learn about life in Honduras, the Philippines, and Kenya and how you can help support families around the world.  Visit to access stories, recipes, videos, and more!

Wishing you all a fruitful Lenten journey,

Jennifer Ibach

Pastoral Associate

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